Many customers have asked us why we ask about the reflective material of the grow room, does it matter much? Of course it matters, and matters a lot. Here’s why. First of all, it is important to know what light reflection is: Light reflection is the phenomenon of change in the propagation path of light […]
Generally, when you are going to invest in the purchase of LED luminaires, questions arise such as: What coverage in square meters does it have, what is its energy consumption, what spectrum is the most suitable for my crop or crop phase… and, in general, the average user is usually guided by the area coverage […]
California LightWorks, new strategic partner of Virex Technologies for the European market
In recent months, at Virex, we have seen an increase in consultations for the design and implementation of growth chambers for research and development of phytosanitary products, nutrients and special crops. All need abiotic parameters to be fully controlled, different temperature or humidity ranges, but with high precision as well as special lighting with specific […]
Desde hace más de 1 año, Virex Technologies ha estado asesorando a nivel luminotécnico a la empresa Canamedics Labs, ubicada en Barcelona y fundada por los hermanos Álvaro y Luís Comas que, además, ha sido la primera empresa de Cataluña en recibir la autorización de la AEMPS para investigación de esta especie para uso farmacéutico. […]
For 10 years, the demand for food has grown exponentially so the need for fertile soil for cultivation has also grown. Only 34% of the total surface of the Earth is arable and, every year it is reduced. The use of fertile land for extensive and intensive agriculture makes desertification and the contamination of aquifers […]
Virex Technologies and Valoya come together to put at the service of the horticultural, Spanish and Portuguese markets, high efficiency LED fixtures and tubes, specialized spectra depending on the stage of the plant or type of cultivation, way of cultivation or special requirements that only the light can transmit at the organoleptic or morphological level.
With current LED technology, calculations indicate efficacy limits of 3.4 μmol J – 1 for white + red luminaires, and 4.1 μmol J – 1 for blue + red luminaires This weekend we were reviewing an article that has appeared on about the efficiency and potential of the current LEDs in the horticultural market. […]
US researchers have designed and developed an ultraviolet LED light that has the ability to decontaminate surfaces and, potentially, air and water that may have been in contact with the SARS-CoV 2 virus, which causes COVID-19 Researchers at the Center for Solid State Electronics and Power, University of California, Santa Barbara , have developed an […]